Sabtu, 30 Mei 2015

Tugas 3 bahasa inggris bisnis

Audit managemen page 4
Bentuk kecurangan

  • kecurangan yang dilakukan oleh lebih dari satu orang (kerjasama) yang sulit di deteksi walaupun pengendalian internal cukup baik dan tujuannya menguntukan orang-orang tersebut.
  • pencegahan tidak boleh ada hubungan keluarga dalam perusahaan
  • bentuk kolusi antara bagian pembelian, gudang, keuangan dan supplier.
Internal Audit juga dibutuhkan untuk melakukan pemeriksaan intern dengan kemahiran jabatannya. memperhatikan kemungkinan terjadnya kecurangan , kesalahan , manipulasi , inefisiensi , pemborosan , ketidakefisienan dan conflict of interest.

Form of Fraud

  • fraud committed by more than one person (cooperation) that are difficult to detect even if the internal control is quite good and the aim menguntukan these people.
  • prevention must not have any family relationship within the company.
  • forms of collusion between purchasing, warehouse, finance and suppliers
Internal audits are also required to conduct an internal examination with his finesse. pay attention to the possibility of fraud, error, manipulation, inefficiency, waste, inefficiency and conflict of interest.

Selasa, 26 Mei 2015

Tugas1 bahasa inggris bisnis 2

Akuntansi di lengkapi dengan tekhnik untuk menghimpun dan diutamakan untuk menghubungkan data ekonomi ke dalam berbagai macam-macam bentuk perusahaan baik perorangan maupun lembaga. Pemilik maupun orang-orang yang ingin memiliki perusahaan  sangat butuh dengan hal ini,guna untuk mengetahui status dan kondisi keuangan perusahaannya serta bagaimana kemungkinannya pada masa mendatang. Bankers dan pemilik barang sangat memperhatikan berita financial dari organisasi perusahaan guna menetapkan tingkat resiko yang berkaitan dengan pinjaman atau kredit yang di berikan. Badan pemerinta sangat memerlukan laporan mengenai kegiatan financial (pembelanjaan) dari perusahaan dengan tujuan sebagai dasar menentukan pajak dan peraturan-peraturan. Juga para pekerja dan wakil serikat buruh sangatlah berkepentingan agar mendapatkan gambaran kemantapan dan tingkat laba dari perusahaan dimana mereka bekerja.


Accounting equipped with techniques for collecting and preferred to link economic data into a wide variety of forms of companies, both individuals and institutions. Owners and those who want to have a company with this very need, in order to determine the status and financial condition of the company as well as how likely in the future. Bankers and the owner of the goods very concerned about the financial news of the company's organization in order to establish the level of risk associated with the loan or credit is given. Government agencies are requiring reports on financial activities (expenditure) of the company for the purpose of determining the tax base and regulations. Also workers and representatives of trade unions is concerned in order to obtain an overview stability and the rate of profit of the company where they work.

Accounting equipped with techniques for collect and prefer to link economic data into a wide variety of forms of company, both individuals and institutions. Owners and those who want to have a company with this very need, in order to determine the status and financial condition of the company as well as how likely in the future. Bankers and the owner of the goods very concerned about the financial news of the company's organization in order to establish the level of risk associate with the loan or credit is given. Government agencies are require reports on financial activities (expenditure) of the company for the purpose of determine the tax base and regulations. Also workers and representatives of trade unions is concerned in order to obtain an overview stability and the rate of profit of the company where they work.


Accounting equipped with techniques for collected and preferred to link economic data into a wide variety of forms of companies, both individuals and institutions. Owners and those who want to have a company with this very need, in order to determine the status and financial condition of the company as well as how likely in the future. Bankers and the owner of the goods very concerned about the financial news of the company's organization in order to establish the level of risk associated with the loan or credit is given. Government agencies are required reports on financial activities (expenditure) of the company for the purpose of determined the tax base and regulations. Also workers and representatives of trade unions is concerned in order to obtain an overview stability and the rate of profit of the company where they work.

tugas 4 Plan the next 5 years

My name afiati rizki and you can call me kiki, now i lecture at Gunadarma with majored in economics accounting. Currently I am trying hard to get good grades so that someday I can pass get a good job as well.Everyone will want to be better people in the future. By having a dream, we so have the energy to move, learn, and work hard for a better future. However, have you ever thought about right, if you want to be known as? At least in the next five years what will be achieved. I also have plans for the next 5 years, such as the its name married human being must want to have children, have a business in fields of culinary and travel,can continue their magister education, a lecturer, and the pilgrimage my parents.

Jumat, 01 Mei 2015


·         I shall go to campus.
·         Shall i go to campus?.
·         I shall not go to campus.

·         They will play football next week.
·         Will they play football next week?.
·         They will not paly football next week.

·         We shall study accounting management tomorrow.
·         Shall we study accounting fmanagement tomorrow?.
·         We shall not study accounting management tomorrow.

·         The student will have been at classroom.
·         Will the student have been at classroom?.
·         The student will not have been at classroom.

·         Merry would be buying a book yesterday.
·         Would merry be buying a book yesterday.
·         Merry would not be buying a book yesterday.

·         They would meet me last night.
·         Would they meet me last night?.
·         They would not meet me last night.

·         You would watch fast and furious 7 the week before.
·         Would you watch fast and furious 7 the week before?.
·         You would not watch fast and furious 7 the week before.

·         We shall have travelled to Surabaya by the end of this year.
·         Shall we have travelled to Surabaya by the end of this year? .
·         We shall not have travelled to Surabaya by the end of this year.

·         He will have finished his work by Sunday
·         Will he have finished his work by Sunday?.
·         He will not have finished his work by Sunday.

·         I shall have been studying here for six years
·         Shall i have been studying here for six years?.
·         I shall not have been studying here for six years.

10 contoh kalimat modal
·         She can turn off the computer
·         She can not turn off the computer
·         Can she turn off the computer ?

·         Uncle may will arrived in jakarta this morning
·         Uncle may not will arrived in jakarta this morning
·         May uncle will arrived in jakarta this morning ?

·         I could pass the test
·         I could not pass the test
·         Could I pass the test?

·         He must improve its value before its too late
·         He must not improve its value before its too late
·         Must he improve its value before its too late?

·         The mother might of confusion answer  the question  tourists
·         The mother mightn't of confusion answer  the question  tourists
·         Might the mother  of confusion answer  the question  tourists?

·         We should go the office
·         We shouldn't  go the office
·         Should we go the office ?

·         Mary could swim when she was young
·         Mary couldn't  swim when she was young
·         Could mary swim when she was young?

·         I like lemonade better than syrup
·         I don’t like lemonade better than syrup
·         Do I like lemonade better than syrup?

·          Would rather stay at home
·         I would not rather stay at home
·         Would I rather stay at home?

·          You’d better go to sleep
·         You’d better not say anything
·         Should I say something ?