Selasa, 26 Mei 2015

tugas 4 Plan the next 5 years

My name afiati rizki and you can call me kiki, now i lecture at Gunadarma with majored in economics accounting. Currently I am trying hard to get good grades so that someday I can pass get a good job as well.Everyone will want to be better people in the future. By having a dream, we so have the energy to move, learn, and work hard for a better future. However, have you ever thought about right, if you want to be known as? At least in the next five years what will be achieved. I also have plans for the next 5 years, such as the its name married human being must want to have children, have a business in fields of culinary and travel,can continue their magister education, a lecturer, and the pilgrimage my parents.

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